Addams Family float wins

Christmas elf Tash and Father Christmas at the Cowell Christmas pageant. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
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Eyre Shellfish’s Addams Family float was judged the best at Cowell Lions annual Christmas pageant on Sunday, December 24.

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Second prize went to Connie Andrew for her Barbie in a Box float, while equal third prize was shared between The Lunch Room’s Enchanted Garden and Michelle and friends’ Baby Bounce.

Ruby Tonkin’s Christmas Allsorts won the quad bikes’ and gophers’ section, with Geoff Piggott’s The Buggy Crew in second place.

Cowell Ag Museum’s Bedford truck and Dodge Buckboard won the classic vehicle prize, with Marty Siedl’s Falcon convertible second and Peter Wakelin’s Dodgy Wakos was third.

Amanda Iverson’s six Christmas suits was the winning walking group in the pageant.

Rasheedah’s entry Parcels was the winning girls decorated bike; Aaliyah’s bonbons was second and Katrina Parfitt’s Kitty Cat was third.

Caleb Churchett won the boys’ decorated bike, with Noah King second and Hayden Frost third.

Cowell Lions’ Christmas raffle was drawn on the night.

Club president Allan Zerna thanked all sponsors of prizes, ticket buyers, donors and pageant participants for their assistance in making the 2023 pageant a success.

“The Cowell Lions Club sincerely thank all those who sponsored or participated in the event and everyone who willingly bought a raffle ticket,” he said.

“Without your support this great community event could not be held.”

He said there was an excellent turnout of floats, decorated bikes, vintage and classic vehicles and other Christmas-themed entrants.

After the pageant Father Christmas set up under the decorated Norfolk Island Pine tree at the end of Main Street, where he distributed stockings and drinks to the children.

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