Landholders across Eyre Peninsula are being encouraged to begin baiting for foxes now, with the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board getting ready to start its annual fox bait distribution days.
Each year the board holds fox bait distribution days to encourage landholders to undertake fox control activities at the same time, which produces the best results for reducing numbers of these pest animals.
Wudinna-based landscape officer Chamaree Goonetilleke has been hearing reports in the local area of plenty of foxes being sighted and said coordinated baiting was one of the best ways to tackle this problem.
“We are never going to eradicate foxes but we can certainly work towards reducing their numbers which can benefit not only livestock farmers but also our native wildlife,” she said.
“Foxes are Australia’s number one predator species, not only preying on lambs but also native birds and reptiles.
“Baiting is one way for landholders to play an important role in managing the damage caused by foxes, as well as fulfilling their obligation to control foxes which is part of the Landscape South Australia Act. The more we can get landholders in the same areas to bait, the more effective it will be.”
In a typical ‘farm forest’ environment such as Eyre Peninsula, it was estimated there could be between four to eight foxes in every 100 hectares.
In late summer and early autumn, young foxes started to leave their dens and disperse to find a new territory, making it an optimal time to bait as they could be naïve and more likely to take bait.
The board said many livestock farmers also found this a good time to start baiting to get numbers down before lambing began.
The 1080 meat baits were prepared by board staff with eligible landholders able to buy them for fox control for $1.60 per bait.
At distribution days, a 20 per cent discount applies, as well as when groups of three or more adjoining landholders purchased baits as part of a coordinated baiting program at other times throughout the year.
Land managers are reminded to bring along a bucket with a sealable lid when collecting baits, or they can be bought for $13.
The baits are frozen semi-dried meat which was best kept frozen until use.
Land managers would also be required to provide the section numbers for the properties they intended to bait.
Fox baits are available at the following locations:
Far West
February 11: 9-10am in Penong at Western United Tennis Courts (fox and wild dog baits available)
February 12: 9:30-10:30am at Poochera Hotel; 11:30am-12:30pm at Wirrulla Hotel
February 13: 9-10am at Smoky Bay CFS shed; 11am-12pm in Mudamuckla at the school
February 18: 9:30-10:30am at Calca Bluff/Drinanvale Crossroads; 11:30am-12:30pm Inkster at Leroy Hull’s house; 1:30-2:30pm at Chandada parking bay
February 20: 9-10am in Goode at Warren Beattie’s Farm; 11am-noon at Charra Hall
February 25: 11:30am-12:30pm at Haslam CFS shed
Southern Eyre Peninsula
February 13, 20, 27 and March 6: 10:30am to 1:30pm at Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board’s Tumby Bay office on West Terrace
February 13, 20, 27 and March 6: 10:30am to 1:30pm at Cummins Oval
February 13, 20, 27 and March 6: 10:30am to 1:30pm at Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board’s Port Lincoln depot on Verran Terrace
Western Eyre Peninsula
Thursday, February 20: 9:30-10:30am in Streaky Bay at the DEW shed, opposite silos; 10-11am at Yaninee (Opposite Post Office); noon-1pm at Minnipa Oval; 5:30pm near Elliston at Larry Honners shed (Colton)
Friday, February 21: 10-11am at Warramboo Cricket Club; noon-1pm Kyancutta Oval; 2-3pm at Koongawa Hall
Tuesday, February 25: 10-11am at Mt Damper CFS Shed; 1-2pm at Wudinna workshop, 14 Coleman Street
Lock – contact Elliston-based Landscape Officer Ian Quinn to arrange – 0427 261 793 or ian.quinn@sa.gov.au
Eastern Eyre Peninsula
Thursday, February 27: 10am-noon at Waddikee Oval; 1-3pm at Darke Peak silos
Friday, February 28: 10am-2pm at Kimba, next to the roadhouse (north of the Big Galah)
Monday, March 3: 10am-12pm at Arno Bay Sporting Complex
Tuesday, March 4: 10am-noon at Mangalo (Hannevale property)
Wednesday, March 5: 10am-2pm at the Cowell silos
Thursday, March 6: 9am-5pm at Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board’s Cleve office (25 Fourth St)