GP housing proposal a ‘no-brainer’
The District Council of Cleve has thrown its support behind a proposal from the Northern Eyre Peninsula Health Alliance (NEPHA) to provide new housing...
New chief’s bold vision
Consistency of service and a ‘bold future vision’ will be the focus of new District Council of Cleve chief executive David Penfold.
Buddy brilliant program links young and old
A buddy program in Cowell has seen some of its youngest and oldest community members create beautiful friendships.
As part of integrating the younger and...
Camping changes to protect environment
An online booking system for two popular campsites in the Elliston area aims to curb environmental damage by keeping campers and their vehicles within...
Roo Permit Warning
Eyre Peninsula farmers need to ensure they have a permit before culling kangaroos on their properties.
The Environment and Water Department issued the warning this...
Damien serves up dose of inspiration
Australian Commonwealth Games gold medallist and Olympian Damien Schumann delivered a powerful message of perseverance and resilience to upper Eyre Peninsula students last month.
Early season fire challenge for CFS
CFS crews and farm fire units in Eastern Eyre have been challenged at the beginning of the fire season.
Two fires in as many days...
Support for luckless farming family
Wharminda farming family, the Primes, are not having the best of harvests - struck by hailstorms in November, followed by rain when they are...
House Prices Soar
Regional property prices are growing at their fastest annual pace for 35 years, according to a property report released late last month.
The PropTrack Regional...