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Thursday, 6 March, 2025
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Maize trials deliver good news

With skyrocketing nitrogen (N) prices and a shortage of supply, results from an irrigated maize trial series have delivered good news to growers looking...

Carols fill the air in Cleve and Cowell

Cleve and Cowell communities hosted their Christmas Carols at  the Cowell Lutheran Church and Cleve Catholic Church.   Traditional songs were sung with gusto by...

Thomson tours Upper Eyre

The ABC’s Gardening Australia presenter Sophie Thomson toured the upper Eyre Peninsula visiting Cowell, Cleve and Kimba.  Sophie came on behalf of the Red Cross...

Power shuts down coastal towns

Residents from Tumby Bay and surrounding areas were without power on Monday because of a planned shutdown by SA Power Networks. All those affected had...

Livewire Luke’s Paralympic dream

Seven eye operations and severe vision impairment has not stopped Arno Bay’s Luke Ramsey from achieving big goals and chasing his dream of competing...

New LGA chief tunes in to EP

New Local Government Association of South Australia CEO Clinton Jury listened to the Eyre Peninsula’s priorities in a recent visit to Kimba. Mr Jury attended...

Fundraising gets a $1000 boost

The historic Lipson Hall is being used regularly by keen dancers from Tumby Bay and surrounding areas. The stone building with high ceilings has a...

Street Talk


Rental Squeeze Worsens

Strong house prices and good demand for properties has compounded the shortage of homes for rent in Streaky Bay and Ceduna. Numerical Real Estate principal...

Olympic Games at Cleve

Olympic sports finished off the year for Cleve Area School.  Primary classes performed an end of year concert, dancing to Olympic sports themes. The kindy...

Councils discuss key issues impacting EP

Key regional issues were under the microscope when elected members and council staff from throughout Eyre Peninsula converged on Streaky Bay last Thursday and...