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Thursday, 16 January, 2025
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Federal Election

Ramsey ready for fresh battle Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey enters his sixth federal election hopeful of another victory despite a big field shaping up...

Rain holds off for services

Eliston Despite heavy Anzac eve rain in Elliston - commemoration ceremonies for both Lock and Elliston went ahead on Monday. Elliston organising committee member Caroline Gillet...

Locals invited to ‘Find Your Pioneer’

Port Lincoln History Group is inviting people to learn more about local pioneers through a cemetery tour planned for the SA History Festival. The history...

The “madness” of war continues

Good crowds turned out to Anzac Day commemoration services in Eastern Eyre, despite chilly weather and forecast rain. A common theme among services was that...

West Coast communities mark Anzac Day

The rain may have been falling on a cold and dreary morning, but that did not deter West Coast communities from commemorating Anzac Day...

Momentum builds for Port Neill’s ceremony

When Covid played havoc with Anzac Day commemorations in 2020 the Port Neill community decided to do something small on its own. Local Mark Pfitzner...

Anzac Day a time for reflection for veterans

For Vietnam War veterans like Geoff Holman, this year’s Cummins dawn service provided a special time to reflect on wartime experiences and the importance...

Port Lincoln shows true Anzac spirit

The Port Lincoln community turned out in great numbers to celebrate the first public services for Anzac Day in two years on Monday. The dawn...

Artists show ‘anything is possible’

An exhibition on display for the SALT Festival has provided a group of special artists the chance to express themselves and what they love. Featured...

Super SALT Festival makes a splash

The SALT Festival is in full swing with locals and visitors embracing the ‘SALT’ flavour on display on Lower Eyre Peninsula. The festival officially opened...

Firefighters stop Coulta blaze

Country Fire Service crews attended a fire at Coulta on the weekend. Firefighters battled a grass fire on Marble Creek Road at about 5.45pm. Crews managed...