Updates available at farmer meetings

    SARDI farmer meetings will take place in late February and early March throughout the region. PHOTO: FILE
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    The South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) is hosting farmer meetings across upper Eyre Peninsula later this month and into early March.

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    SARDI farmer meetings provide a chance for a seasonal review of current research.

    In addition to updates on the Minnipa Agricultural Centre, topics will include barley grass resistance, virtual fencing, seed priming, rhizoctonia, sandy soils, calcareous soils, weed management in lentils and best practice for early sowing.

    Meetings will take place at Minnipa, Kimba, Piednippie, Port Kenny, Ceduna, Lock, Rudall and Cowell.

    You can register for free at eventbrite.com.au/e/sardi-farmer-meetings-tickets-807395701277

    For more information, contact Nicole Baty on 8680 6202 or nicole.baty@sa.gov.au


    • Minnipa Sports Club: Monday, February 26 – 2pm

    • Kimba Golf Club: Tuesday, February 27 – 1pm

    • Piednippie Hall: Wednesday, February 28 – 9am

    • Port Kenny Golf Club: Wednesday, February 28 – 2pm

    • Warren Beattie’s shearing shed, Ceduna: Thursday, February 29 – 2pm

    • Lock Sports Club: Tuesday, March 5 – 9am

    • Rudall Sports Club: Tuesday, March 5 – 2pm

    • Cowell Institute Supper Room: Wednesday, March 6 – 9am

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