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Saturday, 21 September, 2024
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Streaky group eager to perform

Streaky Bay’s Instep Dance group is hard at work rehearsing for its annual stage production ‘The Wicked Witch of the Far West’ - an...

’Special time’: Family to celebrate 50 years of Googs Track

It is iconic and daunting, spectacular and punishing - and next month it is turning 50. A 50-year celebration of Googs Track will be...

Cummins event to get women on the move

Two Cummins women will celebrate an event for Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week next month with an event stressing the importance of exercise and...

Entries sought for 2023 Kimba Art Prize

The call is out for artists to submit their entries for the popular biennial Kimba Art Prize, which will kick off with a gala...

Yorke’s shearer wins Elliston event

The heat was on as shearers from across the country battled it out at the ninth Elliston Speed Shear competition last weekend. A great day...

Doctor to speak of incredible work

Dr Barry Kirby will speak about his incredible work in Papua New Guinea saving the lives of mothers and their babies at an evening...

Together again

A touching reunion 67 years in the making took place in Thevenard this month. Jenny Denton (nee Beattie) and Gerry Ryder had not seen each...

Ungarra students explore the cosmos

Science has always been a gateway to discovery, innovation, and understanding the world around us and it was no exception for Ungarra Primary School...

Netball star inspires next generation

Eyre Peninsula’s very own Adelaide Thunderbirds premiership captain - Hannah Petty - visited a number of West Coast schools last week, where local students...

Iconic event rolls on

Cummins resident and Lower Eyre District Council deputy mayor Steve Woolley has endorsed the Goyder Regional Council celebrating the 40th anniversary of the first...

Haebich wins second Mail Medal

Tasman’s Billy Haebich became the Port Lincoln Football League’s 15th dual Mail Medalist following last Wednesday’s count. The Tasman midfielder is his club’s 20th Mail...