Long-time members recognised

Maureen Trowbridge, Kath Dunn and Helen Dunn were presented their service badges by branch president Sue Sleep. (Supplied)
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Service awards were presented at the Friends of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Auxiliary Ceduna branch’s February meeting.

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The meeting, hosted at the Ceduna Foreshore Hotel on Monday, February 24, saw president Sue Sleep welcome nine members and guest speaker Karyn Trowbridge.

It was suggested the branch holds a monster raffle to help raise funds for the auxiliary.

Karyn then gave a very interesting talk on her new role as part of the Care Finder Team with Country and Outback Health.

She can be contacted at the Ceduna office on 8621 3850.

Sue thanked Karyn for coming and letting everybody know what is available for older persons to find the support they need.

Service badges were presented to Maureen Trowbridge and Kath Dunn for 25 years of service, as well as a 20-year badge for Helen Dunn.

These were presented by Sue, who thanked the members for their help and support over many years.

The meeting closed and a cuppa and laughs were enjoyed by all.

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