There was a big contingent of decorated bikes and motorbikes, as well as floats in the Cowell Christmas Eve pageant.
The best quad bike went to Alana Stening, who had decorated it as a reindeer, while Bethany Frost won the girls’ best decorated bike while Aalyah Story won second prize.
Rod Bevan won the best motorbike.
The best boys’ decorated bike was won by Freddie McGoldrick, with Haden Frost second and the Nicholson family’s entry third.
The Kaden family’s entry First Class was the winning float, with Cowell Hospital’s Bluey flat gaining second prize, and Elf Patrol third.
Cowell Agricultural Museum won the best vintage or classic car float, with Peter Wakelin’s 1929 Dodge second and Marty Seidel’s 1965 Falcon judged third.
The walkers’ prize went to Sassy’s Cafe, with Charlotte James on her horse and dad Damian James.
It was an extremely well attended pageant, with the line-up to see Father Christmas at the giant pine Christmas tree stretching halfway up the street, and refilling several times, with the youngest children meeting the jolly man first.
Ten tickets were drawn in the Cowell Lions’ giant raffle, with proceeds going towards pageant prizes and gifts from Father Christmas.