Hundreds of people flocked to the Arno Bay New Year’s Day festivities – with drivers parking most of the length of Tel El Kebir Tce from Turnbull Park towards the bowling club.
Committee president Brooke Ramsey said the crowd seemed to be bigger than in 2024, with people taking advantage of the warm beach weather to attend.
That made Xtreme Kites and Paddle’s huge Zorb balls on water popular with children, along with a visit from CFS koala mascot Smokey, face painting, kingfish trail.
Commentator Chris Provis kept the crowd informed about the many free competitions to enter, allowing people to also gather to watch.
There was plenty of spectator interest, as well as competitors, in the giant Arno burger eating race, with local Ben Haines the winner.
The men’s and the ladies beer stein holding, and children’s fruit box and milk carton holding, proved tough for most – as the minutes ticked over holding their drinks in front of them with an outstretched straight arm.
In addition to the basketball shooting competition held on Australia Day, a three-on-three basketball competition was held on Saturday in both 13 and under and 14 to 18 age groups.
Taking advantage of the warm weather an outdoor movie night with Back to the Future on the big screen was held on Friday night.
However, poor internet service meant it had to be called off halfway through.
A committee of seven puts the event together with about 20 volunteers helping on the day.