Streaky Bay Lions Club’s Christmas raffle will benefit schoolchildren in the district.
The club is currently selling tickets for its raffle, with proceeds going to ensure reception and year 1 students from Streaky Bay, Ceduna, Miltaburra and Karcultaby area schools can partake in the children’s vision eyesight program – run by Lions.
“We hope to have it done in February or March, when school is back for the year,” Streaky Bay Lions Club president Garry Hodge said.
“In past screenings a fair percentage of kids had eye issues and were referred to a doctor. The rough estimate is out of 300 kids, up to 30 or 40 per cent will have issues.
“That is why something like this is very important. It is a service to the community and that is what we are here for.”
Lions Club members were stationed at Ceduna Foodland last Thursday, and will be selling raffle tickets at Streaky Bay Foodland every Thursday and Friday until the draw takes place – at Drift Cafe in Streaky on Friday, December 20 between 6pm and 8pm.
There are 13 prizes to win, with donations being made by a number of businesses in both Streaky Bay and Ceduna.
Garry said they hoped to raise at least $2000, but would be happy with whatever could be raised to help the children.
He said new members were always welcome to join Lions in Streaky Bay and anybody interested could call Garry on 0428 891 226 or secretary Gail Purdy on 0417 295 241 for more information.
If you would like to take part in the raffle but cannot get to meet club members at their ticket stalls before the draw date, contact Garry or Gail.