Women to gather in Cleve

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The Buxton Group of the South Australian Country Women’s Association will celebrate its 80th birthday on October 14 in Cleve Institute.

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Rudall member Ellen Earea said women from the various branches in the group would gather at 8.45am for their annual show day, to be followed by birthday cake for afternoon tea.

Various handicrafts will be exhibited by members, including some new ones which members across the state have learnt in the past year.

These will include Jacob’s ladder crochet and the Japanese embroidery known as sashiko, which members have stitched and then made into bags.

All association branches welcome new members, with the Rudall branch meeting at 9.30am for 10am the second Tuesday of every month in the Cleve Uniting Church hall.

Other Buxton branches are Arno Bay, Darke Peak, Lock and Wudinna.

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