It was a magnificent morning of paddling, with a minimal crew taking the dragon boat out on its weekly ocean adventure at Tumby Bay last Sunday.
Before leaving the marina, the boat was moist with morning dew, amongst peaceful Sunday morning sleepers.
The air was still and voices could be heard carrying across the water’s surface.
The group had the marina to themselves, and then they came – there were other early starters, as fishing boats began to line up and wait their turn to set off from the marina.
The chatter in the boat covered many local topics of the week.
With the silence of the ocean and the carry of voices, all paddlers were able to hear, speak, and share in the one conversation.
This Sunday was a catch up for everyone, of all things Tumby.
Following a tranquil paddle out from the bay and into the marina, the dragon boat then played a bit of ‘do-si-do’ with others, vying for a spot to access the pontoon.
The paddling crew, having completed their morning’s exercise and catch-up, proceeded to disembark, clean, dry and perform a maintenance inspection.
There was laughter when realising the tie-down ratchet strap was absorbing the remainder of the crew’s energy.
The boat was secured down for transport, ready for another week of paddling.
Tumby Bay dragon boaters all headed to Port Lincoln in the afternoon to enjoy the film ‘Isla’s Way’, being a significant fundraiser for the club, organised by the Port Lincoln paddlers.
The theatre was filled to capacity – a perfect end to a perfect day.