Year 11 student Danielle Churchett won three major awards at Cowell Area School’s presentation night on Tuesday, December 3.
They were the Maxine Thompson Senior Excellence Award, Muriel Matters Award and Cowell Electric All-Rounder.
Year 9 student Imogen Jaeschke won the Ampol Middle School Best All-rounder award and year 6 student Flynn Turner the Franklin Harbour District Council Primary All-rounder award.
Year 12 student Kane Fiegert was presented the Eyre Trading Award for best trade sector skills and enterprise.
Noah Baker won the year 10 Australian Defence Force Long Tan Award and the Parents & Friends Citizenship Award.
Lauren Beinke won the Cowell RSL Spirit of the Anzacs award.
The Rowan Ramsey School Community Award was won by Tanya Williams and the Education Minister Volunteers’ Award by Roanna Frost.
Cowell Area School had five graduates in 2024, with Sophie Atkinson, Lily Vandenberg, Kane Fiegert and Marni Harradine completing year 12 and Jamie Schultz year 11.
Education Department service awards were presented to Scott Williams and Seonie Robst.
The year 9 class won the Cowell Lions Environmental Award.
Academic and class award winners were as follows:
R/year 1 – Growth awards Alana Stening and Spencer Barton.
Year 1/2 – Literacy award: Lyla Allen; Growth award: Olivia Baker.
Year 3/4 – Academic award: Millicent Franklin; class award: Lexie Loechel.
Year 4/5 – Academic award: Zoe Yates Rehn and Jessie Doyle; Class award: Skyler Vawser.
Year 6 – Academic award: Flynn Turner; class award McKenna Arnold.
Year 7 – Academic award: Emme Franklin; class award: Noah King.
Year 8 – Academic award: Darci Klingberg; class award Kalan Russell.
Year 9 – Academic award: Imogen Jaeschke; class award: Mardi King.
Year 10 – Academic award: Noah Baker.
Year 11 – Academic award: Danielle Churchett.
Year 10, 11, 12 – Class award: Connor Bock.