Bus tour visits lavender farm

Jamie and Anne Siviour at Myola Lavender at Charlton Gully. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
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A visit to a lavender farm, seafood factory and Winters Hill Lookout was enjoyed during Lock Get Up and Goers’ first outing of the year.

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Organiser Anne Siviour said a few showers did not dampen the spirits of those on the mystery bus tour to Port Lincoln.

“At Myola Lavender Farm we were greeted by Cam, Kirrillee and Benji Foster – who packed the still and then set it going,” Anne said.

“We then went to see the 2500 lavender plants that they have added to the originals and we were shown both harvest with a sickle and with the motorised Japanese tea picker.”

The next stop was Winters Hill Lookout and then on to Brinkworth Reserve where the group ate lunch under the large ficus tree.

“Gavin (Myers) met us at Myers Seafood where we had a look in the fish factory,” she said.

“Suddenly the outside temperature was much warmer.”

Anne said they learnt a lot about the fishing industry and seafood wholesaler Southern Ocean Express.

Some of the Lock residents then took the opportunity to buy fresh products at the recently opened shop in Port Lincoln.

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