Students plan for new year

Boys to graduate at Cleve on Friday: Adam Hull, Zane Crettenden, Lochie Elleway, Lachlan Smart and Zach Camplin. PHOTOS: BEV STORY 377216_01
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Cleve’s graduating year 12 class got dressed up for their school graduation at Cleve Sporting Bodies on Friday, December 1.

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The school’s year graduates all have plans for 2024 – jobs, heading back to farms, going to Adelaide for university study, and travelling.

Lachlan Smart will study electrical engineering, Keira Berryman marine biology and Chloe Phelan business at university in Adelaide.

Amelia Millard has a job as a roustabout, Lexi Hutchins as a school services officer at Cleve, Jorja Newlyn in beauty at Port Lincoln, and Zach Camplin and Zane Crettenden are taking on trades.

Adam Hull and Lochie Elleway are turning to family farms to work, while Taylah Bennett is planning to travel around Australia.

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