Crettenden and Letton contributions celebrated

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Bernadette Crettenden became Cummins Gymnastics Club’s seventh life member at the club’s showcase and windup on Sunday, November 5.

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She received life membership from president Anika Swaffer and was presented her pin by life member Chaz Letton.

Bernie was recognised for outstanding service to the club in many areas, including as treasurer, kindergym coordinator and coach over the past 11 years, also having played a huge role in building the new facility.

It was wonderful to have two of the club’s other life members, David “Crocket” Hall and Rayleen Foster, in attendance to witness the presentation.

The afternoon was a resounding success with gymnasts performing in front of a few hundred spectators.

This year the club had 100 regular participants across 10 different sessions.

There were high energy ninja acts, plenty of tumbling and spring from the Women’s Artistic Gymnastics (WAG) group, a Barbie-themed routine and some awesome all-round general gymnastic skills on display.

A talking point was the new expressive group coached by Paula Britza, showcasing rhythmic gymnastics, combining dance with apparatus including rope and poms.

A highlight was a floor routine beautifully executed by former Cummins gymnast Della Pedler, who is currently in WAG Level five at Port Lincoln Gymnastics Club.

The windup followed with the club’s youngest session, Kindergymnastics for kindy kids, being presented medals from coaches Raena Pool and Ashley Lawrie.

Coach’s trophies were presented to Adaline Lawrie, Halle Murnane, Mika Gillings and Elkie Dunbar, while most improved trophies were awarded to Ella Hansen, Bonnie Meaney, Maggie Pedler and Mila Head.

Five girls received their ‘Spinner’ trophy recognising five years of gymnastics at the club – Emma Hill, Haidee Holman, Shaylee Britza, Felicity Wilksch and Ameika Stephens.

Five gymnasts spun up their sixth year – Poppy Blacker, Elkie Dunbar, Mila Head, Tilly Meaney and Alexa Pedler, while Chloe Hill, Jordan Branson and Charlie McCracken reached seven years.

President Anika acknowledged the final completion of stage one of the new gymnastics facility, which opened in 2017.

The improvements this year have involved completing the interior and Anika offered thanks to a large number of volunteers who made this happen over many working bees.

WAG coaches Chaz Letton and Danielle Meaney then presented Mahlia Rogers as Female Gymnast of the Year, awarded to a gymnast who has shown outstanding effort, scored highly and achieved at competitions this year.

The Georgia Stevens Memorial Trophy, presented by mum Trish White, was this year awarded to Chloe Hill for displaying dedication, effort and a great attitude towards her gymnastics.

Danielle Meaney was honoured as 2023 Club Person of the Year, who after seeing a coach shortage, underwent training and spent every Monday night as the club’s second WAG coach. She supported Chaz at competitions while also bringing experience to the committee and lending her hands at fundraisers and working bees.

In a surprise presentation, Chaz was presented with flowers and a summary spoken about her commitment to the gym club spanning 17 years.

When her own children were young, she saw coaches were needed and got herself trained up and now holds accreditation in WAG, gym for all, tumbling and spring.

She has fulfilled roles including president, fundraising, publicity officer and head coach.

Chaz had a vision for the new facility nearly 10 years ago and has been a major driver in turning this dream into reality.

She has been awarded Club Person of the Year twice and received life membership in 2015.

It was wonderful at the windup to collectively take a moment to celebrate what Chaz has given to gymnastics and the community.

The ‘mega raffle’ major fundraiser was drawn by the life members in attendance, Bernie, Chaz, Crocket and Rayleen, with some very happy recipients.

Anika thanked everyone for supporting the club in what has been another successful year of gymnastics in Cummins.

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